
«I didn't know what I could with my body and it was a lot of fun.»
pupil, Mettmenstetten 2021


«Dear Lucia, thank you so much for your intermezzi, it was just great! I still have sore muscles ?. I worked on it again with some of the children for 4 lessons on Thursday. Today we had a presentation and they performed the choreography without outside support. From position 2 onwards, we invented something new with what was given. They applied themselves and performed very well. We are happy! I would be happy to recommend you.»
C.G., Teacher School Lupfig 2024

«I heard that the workshop was really great and that the kids were motivated to take part, which made me very happy.» V.D. Teacher School in Frutigen 2024

«Dear Lucia, Thank you so much for the great workshop this afternoon. It was a lot of fun.
I have already received a message from a mother saying how happy her child came out of school. And she would like to know what piece of music was played for the dance. Can you tell me?» A.K. Teacher School Kirchbühl Cham 2023

«Lucia Baumgartner is an extremely talented person to teach dance to the children, boys and girls alike, in a palatable and exciting way. The class, which tends to be competitive and resentful, harmonised wonderfully in the dance lessons. Lucia had a motivating way of drawing out skills from each child. I will book this project again!!!» 
A.Z. Teacher Primarschule Pestalozzi Thun 2023

«I think it's a great pity that I didn't get to meet you. Beat told me so many positive things, I got the impression that the children have benefited not only in the area of dance, but also for their personality development and thus for their self-esteem. Thank you for giving the class this opportunity! Something like this should be a permanent part of the timetable, like another subject.»
K.B. Teacher in Worb 2023

Have booked three dance workshops in one day. Pupils and teachers from all three classes (2nd/3rd/5th degrees) were enthusiastic!» K.M. Teacher in Schlieren, 2022

«I think your offer is really great and I was amazed at how intensively the children worked. I would welcome a short break after about 45 minutes.The offer really appealed to children in our class who are otherwise not so motivated and concentrated at work. With your positive feedback, these children were able to gain self-confidence. We have also recommended you  to Cycle 1.»  M.B. Teacher in Matten, 2022

«Lucía had made the workshops fair and enjoyable with all grade levels. The competence in performing and dancing were also promoted. It was fun for everyone! In addition Lucía was able to convey and strengthen important values such as self-confidence. The workshop is warmly recommended!» P.B. Teacher in Arch, 2021

«Thank you so much for your great commitment in our class! I find it fatastic, how you carry the kids away in a thrilling and motivating way.» F.M. Teacher in Bern, 2020

«It was great, that i was able to book the project with the cultural-vouchers. During the COVID 19 Lockdown, so much of cultural events fell by the wayside. We all had so much fun.» Teacher in Langnau, 2020

«It was a great day yesterday and with your power and joy we achieved something fantastic in such a short time. Grazie Mille!» P.K. Teacher in Konolfingen, 2020

«Lucía, it was great to dance with you and the kids. Thanks a lot. You are tough and very much present, what is needed for workshops like this. Complimento!» S.H., Teacher in Brienz, March 2017

«Lucía Baumgartner understands perfectly how to create body awareness and body coordination, how to discover an individual’s movement language and stimulate every students and every teachers creativity.»
Beat Krebs, Schule & Kultur Zürich, 2015

«A very competent choreographer, with a proposal that fits to all stages of the students, full of energy and a grand charisma. One week which inspired and made everyone outdo themselves. The students were thriving in various areas: music, coordination, social completeness and self awareness. An arts project that can be recommended any time.»
F. G. Teacher in Unterseen, 2015

«You were able to get the children on yours and the dances side within no time with the help of your exuberant charisma.» G.H., Teacher in Uettligen, April 2008


pdfSimmental Zeitung Dez 2018
pdfJungfrau Zeitung, 26.03.2018
pdfChonufinger, 3/2017
pdfJungfrau Zeitung, 01.04.2017
pdfSchultanzprojekt Unterseen 2015 (Jungfrau-Zeitung)
pdfSteps Projekt 2010 (Migros-Magazin)
pdfSteps Projekt 2008 (Bund)


inFlux dance company, Mindstrasse 5, CH-3006 Bern Switzerland | +41 (0)31 351 33 04 |
Moser Graphic Design | Webdesign by communicate